Colfax County, founded in the year 1869, is located in the U.S. state of New Mexico. It covers nearly 3,768 sq mi of area. The county was named after Schuyler Colfax (1823-1885), seventeenth Vice President of the U.S under the President Ulysses S. Grant. Raton is the county seat and the largest city. More than 14K people, 5K households and 3.9K of family units reside in this region.
The racial ethnicity is comprised of Hispanics or Latinos of any race, Asians, Whites, Blacks or African Americans, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans and some other tribes.
Colfax County records archive is one of the most hassle free resources that convey detailed family image and particulars about the ancestral existence, biographies and their enthusiasm, deeds and valor in a most convenient way. This well arranged database archive delivers a host of fruitful information including birth and death license, marriage and divorce decree records, obituary and cemetery niceties, land assessment records, census data, military service reports, war veterans' achievements, civil court proceedings, will and estate data and many more.